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Heather Kennett  RN CDE
Registered Nurse
Credentialled Diabetes Educator
Wellbeing Coach

Have you just been newly diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes and feeling a little  overwhelmed?  

Are you challenged with being above your most comfortable weight? 
Contact me today so we can get you on track.
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​I grew up in rural South Australia completing a Diploma of Applied Science (Registered Nursing) at the South Australian College of Advanced Education – Sturt Campus in 1988.


I undertook my Graduate Nurse program at the Flinders Medical Centre (FMC), whilst continuing to work on various medical and surgical wards. Working with children and adolescents became my passion and I completed my Certificate of Paediatric Nursing at the Women’s and Children’s Hospital, Adelaide. During this time I also worked as a drug trial study co-ordinator for Merck Sharp and Dohme and for a PhD pharmacist at Flinders Medical Centre.​

I went on to complete my Graduate Certificate in Health (Diabetes Management and Education) at Flinders University in 2006.

After moving to Tasmania with my young family over seventeen years ago, I worked for Diabetes Tasmania as a Diabetes Educator, providing group and community education and Diabetes Clinics in GP practices across rural Tasmania. I have enjoyed being part of the Primary School Stephanie Alexander Program working with children and creating delicious masterpieces using produce from the school gardens. I enjoy working with all ages and feel privileged to be able to support and work with people to improve health outcomes both emotionally and physically.


I consult privately at Kingborough Medical Center in Kingston and Complete Care Pharmacy in Rosny Park. I also consult with Karadi Aboriginal Corporation at Goodwood.

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